Joy is the Antidote 💗
The wisdom that wants to be remembered right now is that the best neutralizer (read: harmonizer) is joy. Rather than a trite bypass, the curation of joy is a powerful evolutionary act. To do so is to walk long forgotten paths home, away from frustrating loops of unconscious projection.
As we engage with the journey inward of greater reflection, we change the rotational spin of our vibration and re-enter higher octaves of embodiment. While there is no judgment in playing in lower notes of frequency, I know those of you participating in this conversation would like to return to a higher harmonic of being.
So, how do we make joy our go-to move for a better world? Here's a short list of ideas:
Take three deep, conscious breaths and get grounded throughout the day (out of the head, into the heart). Here's a free meditation to help!
Remember that we have free will choice. How are we applying this incredible birthright? To play the victim/martyr or to choose joy moment to moment?
Prioritize what brings us joy and re-order our day accordingly. Most cultures prioritize work before play. This is the inverse formula for a better world. In fact, our work should feel like play.
Let go of what doesn't resonate in this higher octave of notes. Yes, that could mean the profession we thought we were supposed to pursue (versus what we actually want to be doing), relationships, and certain misaligned responsibilities we've been defining ourselves by.
Did I mention this walk will take courage?
The price of the freedom to create a better world is everything (we think) we hold dear. In hindsight, just a few steps away on the walk, we realize we held it (and it, us) so closely not from a place of love, but from fear.
I can feel some of you feeling resistant or even confused. "But, I can't...." Even confusion is a choice. So is overwhelm. If we give ourselves permission to let go of control and allow our greater multidimensional field (we are a more spectacular than a supercomputer) to apply its vast intelligence, we contribute to shifting reality in profound ways, from the inside out.
I'd love to hear what you do to help you choose joy. Share it with me in the comments!
In Unity 🌐
A'sha Love
Multidimensional U®
P.S. The second meditation in my new series dropped on June 1st! Click here to learn more about this product designed to help you increase (and maintain) a higher light quotient. ✨