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Role Modeling As An Act of rEVOLUTION

While I was walking across Paris earlier this week, I enJOYed an electric feeling in the air. The French had just won the World Cup in soccer and were on a palpable high. People flashing giant smiles wrapped in the French flag dancing and laughing, pods of motorbikes, honking, yelling, and pulling wheelies, and the thousands that thronged the Champs-Elysees Avenue sending up an emotional roar as their team arrived on the scene.

Just two days before, the French had celebrated Bastille Day, the day in 1789 when the French rose up in the face of an oppressive monarchy and laid the foundation for unity through "liberty, fraternity, equality".

While I sat with my face to the sun, I reflected how this outer "win" had created such powerful inner alchemy for so many people. And I pondered how amazing the planet is going to be when everyONE is able to live from such a blissful state because they choose to BE, irregardless of outer events and circumstances.

What did this win change for the French in their collective narrative and national identity? And what if more of us claimed that shift as an act of true rEVOLUTION?

The final frontier of our awakening is not to liberate ourselves from an outside oppressor, or to gain wins over an"other", but to throw off the confinement of our internalized oppressors. Those inner critics and shadow aspects, the non-integrated parts of ourselves that keep us living in a bifurcated state of disconnection, blind to the bliss and beauty that surrounds us.

I know what this bliss feels like. It's not an artificial high. It's total divine union with Self and the ALL. It is what the Hindu yogis call "samadhi". It's what astronaut Edgar Mitchell experienced the moment he saw Earth from outer space. And it's the human race's destiny. We are accelerating toward it like never before. Fusion is about to happen and a new star will be born, a new galactic race.

My message to you all this week is simple. Instead of focusing on what's not going well "out there", move yourself into divine union, that state of unfettered joy and happiness, just because you can. This is the most revolutionary act of our time.

With LOVE, Aja Founder Multidimensional U ®

AN INVITATION FROM AJA Each year, I work with a small group of individuals committed to a deep dive of awakening to their True Self and Greater I AM Identity.

If what you've been doing no longer feels in alignment and you’re feeling the pull to invest in getting clear on what you’re meant to be doing in service to humanity, I invite you to apply to The Emergence Experience. Limited space. By application only.

MEDITATIONS FOR EARTH & HUMANITY This a clarion call to all of you who are ready to co-create a New Earth, who are ready to help heal the deep wounds of humanity, who are committed to acting from a place of empowerment, and who are especially ready to heal themselves so as to more powerfully serve humanity during the Shift of the Ages.

Join us every Friday here: “Meditations for Earth & Humanity”.

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