This Is What Humanity Told Me "Needs to be said"
I've been sick this entire week. Why? Because I'm expanding beyond my comfort zone and my body (sore throat and sinus) is clearing out...
There is no mainstream
As I move forward, despite my ego's resistance, into my next level of service, I was gifted a very helpful perspective shift this week....
That moment when you realize "This is all a lie"
I AM steadfastly committed to expansion (growth)... beyond a Cartesian worldview toward ever greater comprehensiveness. This commitment...
This is how I am staying grounded right now
In this next cycle of stepping into even more of our authentic, greater selves, we will be revisiting similar themes that we explored...
It's Time to Change Our Pronoun to WE
We are coming back to together as ONE family, no matter what form our consciousness takes. With that in mind, it's time to change how we...