Change Your Reality w/Your Vibronic Harmonic ✨
In this week's vlog, I share the conversation I recently had with my friends, the Arcturians, about why most of humanity is challenged in radically shifting their level of embodiment.
vi·bron·ic har·mon·ic
The component frequencies of molecular matter as it transitions states via modified vibrational energy.
What if creation didn't require hard work and hustle anymore? Would you be willing to let go of those bio-energetic patterns of having to earn a living by trading and transacting your vital life force energy for money (and external validation and acknowledgement)? 💗
In Unity 🌐
Aja Love
P.S. The Equinox Meditation Event gifted us with a powerful set of activations to be able to create using our consciousness at an entirely different level. Did you miss it? Purchase the replay here: