Release the Hard Work & Unlock the Next Level of Your Service 💗
"Release the burden of serving. Release the efforting and hard work and all the constructs associated with "earning" your value that you apply to your serviceship in the world".
In this week's vlog, I share what the Ganges River imparted during the Earth Recovery Team's final meditation this week. After a year of working to raise consciousness with rivers, it was the perfect culmination point of poignant personal transformation!
The irony is that when we drop all of the "hard work", our channels expand and we end up serving at entirely new levels. 😉
In Unity 🌐
Aja Love
P.S. Join me and Jude for our April 22nd 🌎 Earth Day "Ease & Flow" Meditation Event. It's free and designed to help all of us release remnant constructs that restrict and constrict our abundance, joy and happiness in this physical embodiment! Learn more and sign up here.