This gives me such a sense of relief 🌈
"Take a moment to recognize in your own life the ways in which you are being directed by a greater field of consciousness. Allow yourself to change course faster than ever in order to evolve the way you operate in this physical density. Don't despair if something is collapsing. Align yourself with the new timeline and allow it to emerge." I'm following my inner guidance to take a major break from "business as usual" (again) in order to transition into more of a multidimensional embodiment, enjoying a mental vacation in which effort is replaced by ease and striving shifts into allowing. This is a wonderful time to dive back into the archives of more than 500 videos on my channel and share helpful messages that are more relevant than when I first channeled them! This week, let's revisit a New Earth build out update from one year ago, in which I share how we are being guided in ways that just don't require mental coordination and overthinking. What a relief!
P.S. Quick program update - I reference The Emergence Experience in this video. Look for exciting announcements about this metaphysical coaching program this fall!