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What if YOU are the next smart device?

In this week's video I answer the question, "What is a Wayshower?" and delve into an exploration of why the human being is the next smart device. My Arcturian and Mantid aspects weigh in on why the world's constructs feel like heavy relics to so many of us right now. As humanity loses its taste for running the rat race, they explain the "diminishing returns" associated with old habits and identities. Finally, I share my family's journey with shaman school and unschooling. Adults are being called make big accommodations to the free will of their star kiddos right now, with the promise that these children will help show us the way. P.S. Our new initiative, the Earth Recovery Team, is accepting its founding members right now. To learn more about this exciting partnership with the worlds rivers and how you can participate, click here. May 7 is the last day to register!

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