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Year 2: Activation
Your greater purpose is knocking... are you ready to answer the inner call?


This is an invitation to embark on a very special journey. The return journey home to your greater self transcends this temporary identity and point on the space/time continuum. It's a magical adventure that leads you further out of  consciousness patterns that keep you stuck in old narratives and outdated identity constructs.

This invitation is for those of you who genuinely care about other people and the planet, who are ready to surrender to the next greater calling that keeps knocking at your door.


My name is A'sha Love. I'm the founder of Multidimensional U. I created The Emergence Experience in 2015 after receiving the inner guidance to do so. Since that time, I've worked with hundreds of people all over the planet. 


Just like you, they wanted help moving into the next level of their human embodiment and stepping into more of their wayshowing and metaphysical healing work. It's been my privilege to guide them into their own self actualization, providing a very high vibrational field that helps them dissolve persistent energy blocks and up-levels their contribution to creating a better world through personal transformation.


The Activation Track of The Emergence Experience offers those of you who are already connected to your inner guidance the advanced support you seek. (For those of you just starting out on this multidimensional journey, I invite you to learn more about The Awakening Track).

This 12-month journey goes way beyond conventional coaching programs, as we are working with multidimensional physics that offer pathways to self-liberation through profound direct experience. I'm not a guru.  I want you to be your own guru!


My field, however, is the ideal environment in which to permanently and powerfully reconstitute more of your own Multidimensional Self. If the bullet points below resonate for you, read on.

The Emergence Experience will be a good fit for you if you are:

  • Excited by the prospect of helping to usher in a more ENLIGHTENED era on planet Earth by evolving conventional constructs.

  • Know that you're meant to EXPAND into ever greater multidimensional awareness.

  • Ready to RELEASE blocks that are holding you back from stepping onto your most soul aligned path.

  • Want to ACTIVATE more incredible innate metaphysical abilities in service to the human collective.

  • Excited to reconnect with advanced galactic collectives, your SOUL FAMILY and other aspects of your Multidimensional Field.

  • Feel it's time to increase your CONFIDENCE in your multidimensional identity and step out of the spiritual closet.

  • Ready to SURRENDER and TRUST in the unknown path ahead of you.

  • Move past divisive "us and them" narratives into an era of UNITY that recognizes the beauty of diversity while maintaining we're all in this together.

  • Crave a commUNITY of like-minded peers to share the journey with and to laugh and cry with... a high-vibe group of people who love and support you (and don't think you're crazy!).

You've found your way to a powerful threshold. Will you step across it?


Your ability to meet your greater destiny hinges on being able to get out of your head to embody the greater part of yourself. Easier said than done.


Here are the main impediments to total alignment with your Divine Will and Soul Purpose work:

Cultural Conditioning: The beliefs and values instilled by society can cloud your perception, making it challenging to see your path clearly.

Energetic Influences: Lingering negative energies or intentionally placed limiters within your aura may be ready for release, helping you regain clarity and balance.

Ancestral and Past Life Karma: Sometimes, unprocessed trauma from your ancestors or previous lifetimes can cast shadows on your present journey.

Skepticism and Trust Issues: Doubts about the validity of your experiences and information you receive can be stumbling blocks on your spiritual path.

Fear of Judgement: Concerns about being ridiculed or imposter syndrome can hold you back from embracing your true calling.

Boundary Challenges: Giving away your power to internal critics or authority figures, whether they're family, friends, or colleagues, can impede your growth.

Isolation: Feeling like a lone wanderer on your spiritual journey, especially when surrounded by those who don't share your beliefs, can be isolating and lead to self-doubt.


Take my hand. I know just what you're going through, for it's been my own journey. This can be a lonely road, once you've awakened. But it doesn't have to be. You aren't alone. Far from it. This is a beautiful commUNITY of people from all around the world who are on the same journey of reclamation of the true self!


I was guided by my own Higher Self to create Emergence for people just like you. It's the path I've walked myself, back Home to my Source-Aware Self.

You know that sticking with the status quo isn't going to cut it, especially now. Humanity is the process of collective deconstruction and the emergence of higher dimensional constructs. You have an important role to play. You can feel it.

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"The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, everything that you want you already are."  - Rumi


​This year-long, small group journey was designed to provide you with a deep dive into a direct experience of multidimensional reality. It offers a powerful container in which to explore a more expansive identity and activate an enhanced set of abilities.


This is not a certification program. Emergence provides a metaphysical intensive experience for those of you who want to evolve into more of your multidimensional embodiment by changing the way you animate your physical form via your own Higher-Self directed activations. You are already qualified for the work that is calling you forward!


​The Activation Track


You already speak with your spirit guides, receive downloads, and actively engage in multidimensional work, perhaps even professionally. You're ready to activate more innate abilities in service to the planet. You aren’t in full alignment with your ever expanding soul contract work. You'd like advanced help and are ready to take aligned action!

I'm an experienced Multidimensional Catalyst and I'm thrilled to make good on my soul purpose, that of helping you to clear blocks and activate your own innate abilities! The program material has been carefully curated by me based on my journey and the channeling and shamanic work I've done with hundreds of clients.


The modules include information, guidance and encouragement, but more importantly, guided experiences and activations to facilitate powerful shifts in your experience of being human. Our group calls offer bi-weekly coaching support, as well as guided meditations and real-time activations, and our quarterly private sessions offer you individual attention to go even deeper.


Our commUNITY offers a place to meaningfully connect with and receive support from amazing peers from all over the planet! Ready to join us?

Here's what past participants say they gained as a result of actively participating in The Emergence Experience:

  • TRUST your own information and directives at new levels.

  • The ability to better SURRENDER, knowing that you are being directed by your own Greater Self at all times.

  • Reconnect with your personal power, passion and PURPOSE.

  • Feel more FREE than ever from distortion and density in the collective field.

  • Understand more of what you came here to do and step into bold, ALIGNED action based on that knowing.

  • Activate incredible innate metaphysical abilities and EXPAND back into your Greater I AM.

  • Facilitate profound planetary TRANSFORMATION through your reactivated Multidimensional Identity.

  • Shift your individual embodiment and help to EVOLVE the constructs around you!

"A'sha speaks the language of the soul and helps to spark its unfolding. Her astonishing psychic gifts and her warm presence - wise, attentive, encouraging, funny - have restored confidence in who I am and who I am becoming.  She is not out to seek her own glory, but stands in the middle, strengthening the link between a person and their divine source."

Rachel, LCSW


  • Activation participants receive four quarterly 1-hour private virtual sessions with A'sha. Link to download your recording included.

  • 24 Online Virtual Gatherings held bi-weekly. These online Zoom gatherings offer you and your peers an opportunity to participate in real-time channeled lectures, profound multidimensional healing, pose questions and receive direct support from A'sha (and your Higher Self that works through her).

  • 12 monthly modules developed specifically for Activation, access to all 24 Awakening Modules and a series of bonus meditations and activations. These videos were filmed in natural environments around the world, many of them at sacred sites. You'll notice how the elements interact with us, to help illustrate certain points!

  • Weekly emails designed to support you on your journey, featuring helpful tools, resources and recommended reading.

  • Private group (hosted in Mighty Networks) for Activation participants only - to share new insights, challenges and love and support one another.

  • By application only - see below.


My presence and my life had been forever changed after my year in Activation. I feel more physically and emotionally present, I have found my voice to speak, and have been able to develop boundaries that I knew I had to work on.  I met wonderful people on the group calls, and it showed me that I am not alone. We are here on purpose and for a purpose, and it was time to grow into my purpose!



My entire perspective on reality and how I co-create my life experiences by the energy and mindset I bring to everything has completely transformed how I approach life. I also have reconnected to and aligned with my innate soul abilities, including increased confidence in my intuition and healing abilities. I am a truer, more awakened, kinder, and lighter version of myself at the end of this journey.


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I have learned more about myself, my purpose, my desires in the past year than all of my previous years in this life. I have learned to look inward, I've identified my power and my voice and now understand and see with great clarity where I have given away my power and silenced my true voice.  I am very centered in myself, my power, my voice and my purpose!



Being part of the Emergence Experience was more than I ever expected! I have enjoyed the releasing of old patterns, the rediscovery of my higher self and being part of a like minded community. I look forward to the continued unfolding of the authentic self and the magic and serendipity that presents with it! 



The Activation Track of The Emergence Experience is a powerful journey, designed for people who have already begun the inner search. This is a life-changing commitment and a substantial financial investment in your metaphysical self development.  If you feel a strong pull to apply for this program, trust that your Higher Self is guiding you forward.

During the open enrollment period, fill out an application by clicking on the button below. A'sha personally reviews all applications.  If accepted, we will follow up with you within 1 or 2 business days to begin the enrollment process, which may include a brief informal interview to ensure a good fit.


If you're feeling a strong pull to participate, trust that your inner directive is guiding you to the more expansive and sovereign embodiment you seek.

The application is now open! Currently enrolling. If you have questions, please email Sarah at She is happy to help!


What is expected of me in this program?

You are expected to "show up", meaning that you actively engage with the program material, including the modules, weekly emails and live calls. It also means that you commit to becoming aware of the choices you're making and are willing to choose differently, for your own higher good.

What is the Cost of the Program?

The cost of the program is available only to serious applicants. Payment in full is due upon enrollment. This includes everything mentioned above, plus the invaluable transformation into the next octave of your embodiment you will enjoy if you engage fully.

Who is not a good fit for The Emergence Experience?

If you're highly skeptical and don't trust your intuition or channeled information, this is not going to be a good fit. Also, if you're not willing to 1) be honest about what you're thinking and feeling, 2) commit to doing the work, and 3) attached to a victim and/or scarcity narrative, this won't be a good place for you to grow. Also, if you tend toward negative comparison and competition, aren't open to further growth, and/or hold an attitude of "I already know that", this won't be the best place for you.

Refund Policy

I believe that you will be very satisfied with this program and can achieve amazing results but I can’t guarantee this because that depends on how you use this information. It is my policy to not offer full refunds for any product or service that I sell, because I stand behind my programs and I know that the information, when used as directed, will generate the intended results.



I have witnessed many amazing stories of spiritual growth and healing, but each person is unique and each person proceeds at their own pace. I offer no guarantees for your results. I hope that through conscious and conscientious application of the information that comes through in your readings you will achieve the life transformation that you desire.


If you have a question that I haven't answered here, please email Sarah at

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