
Navigate the awakening process and make better decisions by reconnecting with the best Source of information available - YOU!

A free class hosted by A'sha Love
Founder of Multidimensional U®
Enjoy this powerful meditation event designed to help you shift your consciousness from within!

Be Your Own Guru

Are you struggling to trust any information these days? Don't know what to believe or think? In this free virtual event, I’m excited to share information about how best to navigate this time of shift by developing your inner guidance system.
Now, more than ever, we need to be able to discern what is right for us. We’re being asked to move out of group think and walk forward in a way that looks nothing like our past.
Whether you’re feeling called to tune inward for the first time, know it’s time to evolve your awareness beyond what your physical eyes can see, or want help navigating your awakening-in-progress this class is for YOU!
If you're thinking this class may be too basic for you, but still feel compelled by it, trust that inner directive. The experience goes way beyond canned content and invokes your own Multidimensional Self to substantially alter your physical embodiment.
"You are your own best source of information. You just have to learn how to discern your own inner voice and then, to trust it!"
Here’s what you can expect to learn from the channeled information I present:
What a shift in consciousness actually means (it's not what you think).
Why you feel pulled by a greater awareness so intensely right now.
What your inner guidance system is and how you can best develop it.
Common obstacles that get in your way of hearing your higher guidance.
A powerful guided meditation intended to help you overcome these blocks. ​

The metaphor of the great whale breaching made perfect sense to me and helped me to deeply appreciate what was really happening during this event.
I loved spending time with A’sha’s very awakened Soul aspect holding space for my own to come in and do the attunements and cosmic rewrites!!! Felt absolutely amazing.
I am so very grateful to have “met” A’sha and absolutely adore the fact that she’s sharing her words and work with the world. I have been very aware of my own Soul’s multidimensionality for several decades now…. What a relief to discover someone else talking about it in such a loving, open-hearted way. So beautiful… and so encouraging to listen to the words she shares. Deep, deep gratitude from the bottom of my Soul.

In the Cave of Creation, I was surrounded and filled by Spirit as a deep, magical, colorful darkness--a well, a Source, a reservoir. So much available for me, AS Me. A deep, safe, warm darkness. Then a tremendous light came to me, enveloped me, dazzled me. Afterward, I had no words for my experience; I drifted in the Love and the Me-ness of it all. Since then, I've been clearer and more sure of the energy that is Me. My former perceptions now look limited (and I'd thought they were pretty broad). I get that how we Are is what moves worlds.
A'sha has returned from the 7th-dimensional waterfall clearer than ever. The wisdom she shares is simple and profound. Life-changing and world-changing. I feel deep appreciation for having found a mentor in A'sha.

A wondrous experience, truly. I connected with the group's field as the meeting went live and once A'sha's face appeared, the connection grounded. A'sha's presentation and explanation of the work we were to do, the connection with Gujutran, her modulated tone and beckoning into multidimensionality was gentle and warm, making the jump into light body very easy. As we progressed I was able to deeply release "not enough" and "unworthy" programs that were instilled and reinforced over 63 years of life here. As an aside, I've been working on this very topic with my own Guides/Team. The work we did together as a group with A'sha's lead was powerful and the energetic tool remains after the session closed.
Working with A'sha is ALWAYS highly beneficial, with progress made in leaps and bounds. I AM very grateful for the opportunity and the lasting benefit gifted by A'sha and her amazing field and wide-open heart. I head out into the world with confidence and strength to pay it forward.
Event Testimonials
Hi, I’m A'sha Love, the founder of Multidimensional U, which is a multidimensional conscious collective and hub for the build out of a New Earth from within.
During the last decade, I not only navigated my own always-evolving journey of awakening, I’ve also helped thousands of people worldwide emerge into the next octave of their human embodiment and revolutionize what it means to be human. I’m excited to help you, too! You can learn more about me here.
If you’ve worked with me before, you know this won’t be your typical informational class or even meditation. The Multidimensional U® Experience is powerful and transformative. We work at the level of the bio-energy field across multiple dimensions.
You will be releasing more of who you are not and activating untapped inner aspects of your Multidimensional Self. Many people report tangible physical effects and shifts in their experience of reality after working with me. You will be noticeably different as a result, in a good way!
I'm excited to share this information and help you move into being your own guru. Once you register, the webinar recording will be sent to your inbox.