Jude and I Share Our Journey With You
I thought it would be nice for you to hear from both me and my husband as we revisit what it has been like to be both ahead and behind...
Which Game Are You Going to Play?
It is up to you to choose which timeline, which path, you wish to experience. -Archangel Michael It’s time to decide which game you’re...
Surrender Can Be Challenging
I was dead; I became alive. I was tears; I became laughter. The power of love arrived And made me everlasting power! I have seen...
Our Obligation & An Activation by the Arcturians
Stop trying to climb the mountain. Just go to the top of the mountain now. -Ashtar As Wayshowers, our heart’s desires are, in fact, our...
Our Obligation & An Activation by the Arcturians
Stop trying to climb the mountain. Just go to the top of the mountain now. -Ashtar As Wayshowers, our heart’s desires are, in fact, our...
Why Is My Spouse Not Awake Yet?
Trust the timing. Any and all frustration is due to a lack of faith. -The Lyran Council of Light I’ve seen the phenomenon of one person...